Believe in “magic”! It surrounds you! It is beautiful! It is called “Mother Earth”! She desperately needs our help. The throwaway culture and the chemicals we use are taking a heavy toll on our environment. Untold plant, insect, and animal species have become extinct in the process. Currently the United States consumes 40 percent of the world’s gasoline and oil and more paper, steel, aluminum, energy, and water per capita than any other society on the planet. The average American produces twice as much garbage as the average European and recent scientific estimates indicate that at least four additional planets would be needed if each of the planet’s six billion residents consumed at the level of the average American. Did you know that virtually every stream in the lower 48 states is contaminated with pesticides and PCBs? Did you know that cleaning products are among the most hazardous chemicals you will find and therefore regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission?
There is a growing trend of American companies who are working to create a new “American Dream” by changing the way they consume to protect the environment. I am proud to say that K. I. S. S., Inc., a locally owned and operated company, has been doing its part for the earth by recycling and using “environmentally friendly” products since its beginning in 1991. Together with thousands of other consumers like you, we can make an important and powerful change in our environment. K.I.S.S., Inc. has become the trusted choice for those who seek a socially responsible company focused on the environment and public health. K.I.S.S., Inc. provides a high quality, cost-effective environmental conscience cleaning service that utilizes specially designed high-tech equipment and state-of-the-art technologies. We recycle and use biodegradable, zinc-free, non-toxic products whenever possible. We do not use chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs, which are destroying our earth’s protective ozone layer. Helping the environment is at the top of our shopping list. Leaving less of a footprint on the environment is important to us. We have discovered through the years that many “environmentally preferable” products, such as organic and all-natural alternatives, work as well or better than traditional products and they save money too.
Mankind has generated huge quantities of atmospheric and solid waste degrading the water, soil and air with a measurable impact on our environment. We need to “turn up the music” because the Environmental Protection Agency reports that less than 15 percent of Americans routinely incorporate environmental considerations into their individual purchasing decisions. This is very sad. I thought the percentage would be much higher. Since the mid-eighteenth century, more of nature has been destroyed than in all prior history. From 1970 to 1995, we lost more than 30 percent of the resources that sustain life on the planet. During that period, freshwater ecosystems declined by 50 percent, while marine ecosystems declined by 30 percent. Do you know that the loss in our planet’s natural forest cover amounts to an area the size of England and Wales combined annually?
If we wish to reverse this trend and preserve necessary resources for our children and futures generations, we must shift our consumption choices toward environmentally friendly goods and reduce our consumption of resources. We ask you to join K.I.S.S., Inc. in a “pro environment” attitude and to do your part to help preserve the ecological health and beauty of our planet, nation, state and city. Together we can make a positive difference. Our environment is our responsibility!
Roger D. Simpson Certified Green Consultant™
Vice President
Klean Image Service Specialists
13498 Pond Springs Road Bldg. "A"
Austin, Texas 78729
Office (512)-258-7003 Fax (512)-250-1225
Cell (512)-751-2402
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